How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Skateboarding?

If you’re curious about how long it takes to get good at skateboarding, then this is the right place for you! Many factors go into becoming skilled in a sport.

The amount of time spent practicing will vary depending on your ability and which method/technique you use when learning new skills or techniques.

Still, an amateur usually needs several hours per day (or more) if they want to know everything there’s available – both old tricks and newer ones too.

But don’t worry because we’ll provide helpful information so let’s get started: What should I prepare before starting my skating journey?

What Do You Need To Learn Skateboarding?

Good Health

if you are searching for how long does it take to get good at skateboarding remember that Health is always important when you are practicing any sport.

It ensures the smooth process of practice and minimizes risks or accidents because if your body’s condition isn’t good enough to perform at its full potential, then injuries may occur, which could affect future progress in skateboarding.

Ensure I have all my vaccinations up-to-date and take care of what I eat, so no food-related illnesses come along while trying new things like this. 

Find The Place

If you want to start practicing skateboarding without fear of being hit by traffic or getting into an accident, the venue must have flat ground. And while some slopes may not pose too many problems when skateboarding on them at high speeds with no cars around.

They can cause unexpected accidents if executed poorly due to losing traction for reasons such as potholes in the pavement, which will make control difficult enough for beginning skaters trying new tricks. 

The skateboard is significant, and you need plenty of space to slide on it. That’s why the width factor should be considered when buying one because wide boards will always provide ample area for your feet or hands without feeling cramped in any way.

There are different types of decks out there made by other brands, but they all have about an 8-inch wheelbase at their widest point, which means that even if someone has shorter legs than most people, then this won’t matter very much since we can still use them comfortably just like before.

Selecting the Right Skateboard

The Mini-cruiser is a versatile board that’s lightweight and compact, making it great for people who want to start quickly. Teenagers or women can use it on the go with its simple features – but don’t expect professionals only.

The Carve Skateboard has more tricks up its sleeve than beginner riders may know how to do. However, they are still suitable as an option if you’re looking at something other than your typical longboard style. This type offers stability while providing high speeds due in part to being downhill oriented.

No matter what terrain road conditions might arise, downhill riding will always give excellent performance thanks to weight distribution AND capable trucks meaning higher speed through corners compared. 

Quality of the Skateboard

Board Deck:

Your skateboard is lighter and easier to slide if they contain fewer layers of wood. However, please don’t choose a deck that’s too thin because it will be fragile.

The best type for durability would be Maple or Bamboo decks since these materials can withstand any abuse you dish out without bending easily in the first place – which saves time from having to remove broken pieces when trying to fix your board up again.

The Wheels:

70mm is the best diameter for a urethane wheel because it provides you with an even, smooth ride and keeps your product’s lifespan longer.

The Trucks:

An aluminum board truck is best for balancing and effectiveness. Please pay attention to the construction of your practice process, as it affects how well you can balance with it. 

How Long Does It Take In Total?

It depends on the player. Some people may take a few weeks, while others will require several years to learn how to use a skateboard efficiently and adequately for tricks or just riding around town.

Beginners must know their limitations before they try more difficult movements like ollies (when using regular feet) and nose manuals which are only meant for those who have experience with these types of moves already.

If you’re not sure what kind of border YOU want to be, start slow by doing basic exercises such as slides first; if this sounds easy enough but still frustrating after practice–maybe we should talk about getting some new shoes.

Some Factors That Affect Your Progress

Hard skill

Learning a skill takes time and effort. If we all practiced as much, then learning would be easier for everyone! However, the reality is different: some people are better at practicing than others.

Because of their technique accuracy, affects how quickly they can learn techniques or tasks without making mistakes. While also affects performance on those same skills through correction drills (Drills).

If you want your training sessions to go smoothly- make sure that what exercises/movements/tasks etc., come off correctly. It means taking enough breaks between each set, so muscles don’t fatigue before reaching desired levels; always use light weights when starting until quite comfortable performing movements properly.


When you are beginning to practice, even the slightest of hills can be too much. It becomes difficult for beginners to balance on an uneven road with all these obstacles in your way- trees being one big problem.

But don’t worry; seasoned riders have found ways around this challenge by using different types of bikes. They were getting off their bike when they needed some extra space away from cars while maintaining momentum. So that doesn’t slow them down, at least somewhat during intense workouts.

Equipment Quality

Skateboarding can be a dangerous sport[1]. If you were skateboarding and fell, but your helmet shattered on impact with the ground? It should not happen at all.

Well-made equipment is imperative for safety during accidents or practice runs. Because it protects us from serious injuries that would take away our freedoms forever if they weren’t healed quickly enough.

The quality of these items matters too. Poorly made ones won’t offer comprehensive protection when things go wrong in an emergency as this one did to me once before.

Final Verdict

How long does it take to become good at skateboarding? The answer is dependent on your ability, condition, and environment. If you want to be an advanced skater, the process will require more time than beginners. Because they have less experience with their boards.

However, suppose someone has never ridden before but often practices by themselves or in groups of friends every day for one month straight without giving up under any circumstances.

In that case, the odds are that person could learn basic techniques after about two weeks. And as mentioned earlier try not to give up no matter what life throws our way because failure only motivates us towards success. 

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