Can Fat People Skateboard – Myths and Facts

Skateboarding isn’t exclusive to the slender – even people of larger body types can hop on a board and start shredding.

Despite any preconceptions, Can fat people skateboard or heavier riders can pick up skateboarding as an excellent way to stay active and get in shape. 

Not only that, but many boards are designed with heavy-weighted individuals in mind; after all, you would want to make sure your setup runs smoothly from underneath your mid-ollie. 

Simply put, those who might think themselves too big for boarding need not worry; hit the park with confidence knowing weight will be no obstacle towards achieving any desired tricks or goals.

Skateboarding is an activity available to everyone, regardless of your size. However, as a heavier skater, you must consider the increased force caused by landing tricks on boards not designed for extra weight. 

Even though most skateboards have ratings well over 200 pounds and wider boards are more tolerant. It’s still important to remember how much additional strain/pressure  will come from any daring moves.

Can Fat People Skateboard?

Skateboarding has become almost synonymous with physical fitness and health, but that doesn’t mean it’s off-limits to overweight people.

Though there isn’t a lot of representation for plus-sized skaters in professional realms, anyone can pick up the sport. 

To skate safely while carrying extra weight, however, any beginner should be sure to take the proper precautions like protective gear as well as anticipate needing more frequent breaks during practice due to strain on your body. 

So don’t let anything hold you back – even if you’re not at peak shape  just lace up and hit the streets or park.

Despite any weight challenges that may come with it, Skateboarding is an incredibly fun and fulfilling hobby for adults of all sizes. Everyone at the skatepark will understand where you’re coming from; they are trying their best too.

If it’s something you want to try, check out our guide here. With realistic tips on how to get started in Skateboarding – don’t be afraid to join the movement.

Best skateboards for Overweight Riders

Will Skateboarding Be Harder to Learn Because I’m Overweight?

Being overweight affects physical activities in many ways, from causing joint stress to decreasing cardiovascular health. But even though it can be a struggle for an overweight person wanting to learn skateboarding, there’s still hope. 

Plenty of people have seen success with skating at all levels and sizes – you just need focus and dedication. So don’t let your weight stop you; put in the work, and results will follow no matter your size or shape.

Do Heavy Skaters Get Hurt More Easily?

Falling from a skateboard can cause blunt force trauma, but body mass plays an important role in how much impact one will face.

The heavier the skater’s weight is due to additional fat on their frame, so the question is can a fat person roller skate the greater momentum they possess and thus more intense impact when hitting the pavement – even if it happens at the same speed as someone who weighs less. 

Despite often providing some cushioning for other falls, such as slipping out of control or tripping over debris, extra pounds don’t help protect against ankle sprains which are common among skateboarding injuries.

Our ligaments aren’t built to handle that kind of pressure.

Skateboarding is a thrilling activity, but there are risks that you should take into account. To minimize the potential for injury, always wear protective gear such as helmets, knee pads, and wrist guards especially when starting. 

Heavier people may find they suffer more from wrist sprains on hard falls; knees can also be damaged by street skating or tricks where extra caution is advised.

It might be best to cruise around until your weight decreases if you want to guard against future joint pain – even though it’s tempting to go big straight away.

Do Fat Skaters Need a Different Deck Size?

As a heavier person, it’s important to take care when selecting your skateboard deck. Even though you’re of above-average weight, the impact your tricks can create creates an even higher force than expected – requiring extra strength from the board.

Fortunately for skaters, there are now specially designed ‘fortified boards’ like Powell-Peralta that provide additional durability and support – so nothing stands between you and those sweet grinds.

Skateboarding can be a great way to challenge yourself and get around, but after enough use, even the sturdiest board will eventually snap.

This is due to crack propagation, small cracks that occur naturally over time in any skateboard until they are big enough to give out completely. Don’t let this stop you from doing what you love. 

Even the most experienced skaters have broken their boards at some point, so don’t be afraid if it does happen; just keep shredding away.

Whether you’re a toddler or an adult, having the right-sized skateboard can make all the difference.

For adults, it’s recommended to have a deck at least 8 inches wide- any narrower might feel precarious, like walking on a tightrope. Make sure your board is comfortable for riding and standing and shredding those sidewalks in style.

Is It Possible For A Big Guy To Break A Skateboard Easily?

It can be hard to know what questions to ask if you’re buying your first skateboard. One of the most common queries is: 

Does a skater’s size and weight make them more likely to break their board? The answer depends on whether they buy a complete one or build one themselves – as well as how well-constructed the deck is.

 Boards rated for higher weights are often made from stronger materials like fiberglass, which will stand up better against heavier riders than wood decks.

What Is The Maximum Weight A Skateboard Can Hold In Kilograms?

With the average skateboard designed to hold up to 123.5 kg (272 lbs), those looking for more support may consider a longboard, capable of carrying 300 lbs or 136 kg – almost double that of a standard board. 

For lighter riders who want something small and maneuverable, penny boards can also support up to 192 pounds or 87 kilograms.

Injuries Are More Likely To Occur To Fat Skateboarders

Skateboarding safety starts with assessing the risk factors determined by speed, the weight of the rider, trick difficulty level, and board length.

A study published in “Pediatrics” found that obese children were 2.5 times more likely to be injured when skateboarding due to increased momentum behind a fall or collision associated with greater weight. 

It is important for all skaters – regardless of experience level or age -to consider these variables before hitting the pavement so they can ride safely and reduce their chances of sustaining an injury while on wheels.

Weight significantly influences the potentially devastating consequences of sliding down an incline.

Simply put, if you’re bigger and moving faster, you will experience greater momentum behind any fall – which could spell disaster for even experienced riders. 

Surprisingly enough, board length also matters when considering safety; longer boards provide more speed and power,, which can contribute to increased danger in the event of a tumble.

Will Skateboarding Help Me Lose Weight?

Skateboarding is more than just an enjoyable pastime – it’s a great way to stay active and healthy. According to Harvard’s health department, skateboarders can expect 150-210 calories burned in each 30-minute session.

Whether flying through tricks or taking a leisurely cruise around town, you’ll never have the same workout twice. 

By skating regularly, not only will skaters find themselves burning some serious calories and building up their muscles, but they will also enjoy increased cardiovascular fitness for improved overall physical well-being. 

Put down that treadmill pass, go out today and explore your city on board your very own.

Can Fat Skateboarders Do Tricks?

Skateboarding can be enjoyed by all, regardless of size. While it may take a little extra effort and finesse for heavier skaters to get the pop they need to land tricks easily, plenty of fun can be had on or off the board. 

You just have to remember when you’re performing certain feats – keep your eye trained on landing in the center of boards and tails so as not to fracture them under pressure. Don’t believe us? 

Check out this section showcasing heavy-weight skateboarders nailing some seriously daring stunts.

Skateboarding and Fat People: What Are the Risks?

Skateboarding is a fun and exciting activity, but when it comes to being overweight or obese, the risks of physical harm drastically increase. 

People in this situation are more prone to falling off their boards due to the bulkiness of their bodies and the increased likelihood of joint injuries from the excessive weight on knees and ankles. 

Wearing protective gear such as helmets can help decrease risk levels. However, these malfunctions cannot be avoided entirely with extra pounds present.

Who is the Fattest Skateboarder?

Skateboarding is a unique and inclusive community where people of all backgrounds, shapes, and sizes can share their passion.

Despite what some might think, that being thin or “in style” is part of skate culture – one only needs to visit any local park for proof otherwise. 

A growing number of heavier skaters are out there showing the world how you don’t need an ‘ideal body type’ in order to get up on your board.

Take 250-pound Gershom Charing, whose complex stunts will have anyone watching impressed with his abilities regardless if he lands cleanly or not. 

And then there’s American pro Corbin Harris, who weighs more than 335 pounds but still manages to lay down tricks like no other.

Skateboarding isn’t about trying to fit into conventional norms; it’s about doing something different while having fun at the same time — no matter your size.

At 180 lbs, Danny Way doesn’t look like your typical professional skateboarder. But that heft is what allowed him to set a record nearly no other could hope to break: the longest ramp jump in history.

His feat of 79 feet shattered all previous records and speaks volumes about his tremendous skill, as well as illustrates how physical fitness isn’t always necessary for greatness. 

A prime example is Danny’s success story compared with an imaginary NBA star too heavy for their own sport; we can only imagine where those proverbial boundaries end…


Despite your weight, everyone can skate. This article is all about the questions like Can fat people skateboard, am I too fat to skateboard, can a fat person roller skate, can a fat person ice skate or fat girl skateboarding or Overweight skaters may have to work a little harder since they are not as flexible or in the best cardiovascular health. This limits their stamina and makes learning more difficult.

Additionally, sprained ankles might be at risk of increased force on impact due to higher body mass. 

To alleviate this problem, it is wise for overweight skaters to purchase larger decks (8¼ inches minimum) so that when you land correctly with bolts taking most of the brunt force, there won’t be unnecessary breakage from impacts during skating sessions.


Will skateboarding help me lose weight?

Yes, skateboarding can be an effective form of exercise that helps you burn calories and work your muscles. However, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle beyond just skateboarding if you are looking to lose weight.

Is skateboarding safe for overweight people? 

Yes, skateboarding is generally safe for all people, regardless of weight. However, it is important to take extra precautions if you are overweight or have any underlying health conditions, as skateboarding can physically tax the body.

Is there special gear that I need? 

Yes, you should make sure to wear protective gear when skateboarding, such as a helmet and elbow and knee pads. Additionally, it may be beneficial to use wider boards or larger wheels for better stability if you are overweight.

Are there any tricks I should avoid? 

If you are just starting out with skateboarding and are overweight, it is best to start with basic tricks and gradually progress as you become more comfortable.

Avoid attempting any advanced or potentially dangerous tricks until you feel confident in your abilities. 

Is skateboarding suitable for all ages? 

Yes, skateboarding can be enjoyed by people of all ages, regardless of weight. However, it is important to make sure that the person skateboarding is mature and responsible enough to understand the risks associated with skateboarding.

Additionally, you should always ensure that your child has protective gear when skateboarding. 

Can I use a regular skateboard?

Yes, you can use a regular skateboard even if you are overweight. However, it may be beneficial to use wider boards or larger wheels for better stability.

Additionally, make sure to buy a skateboard that is of good quality and suitable for your weight. 

Is skateboarding expensive?

The cost of skateboarding can vary depending on the type of board and gear you purchase. Generally speaking, it is possible to start skateboarding without breaking the bank.

You can find a variety of affordable skateboards and protective gear online or at your local skate shop.

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